Zelle Human Resource Solutions | HR Consulting & Recruiting

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#ZelleIntel Going Remote?

Transitioning to a remote workforce? Engaging your employees through technology? Disruptions to business as usual?  If you answered yes to any of those questions, you are not alone. As leaders, we are navigating unchartered territory. At Zelle, we are here to help! We know that having transparent, meaningful conversations with your employees is now more important than ever. Many employees are facing added stressors at home by taking on the additional responsibilities of full-time parent and teacher. Others may be facing anxiety about their own health and that of their families or what the future holds. Regular, open, and transparent communication can help us meet our employees where they are. Knowing what questions to ask can be the challenging part.

Our 4x2 Conversations platform provides an intentional way to reach out to your employees. By allowing the employee to be in the driver’s seat of this conversation, managers are able to provide versatility in how to support each team member in a unique way.

Here are a few ways the 4x2 Conversation can help your organization during this time:

  • Think intentionally about your mission and how your work can provide the biggest impact during this time and in the future.

  • Recognize individual and team accomplishments.

  • Set and track priorities to best achieve individual goals.

  • Identify challenges, reduce barriers to productivity, and alleviate uncertainty.

  • Discuss professional development opportunities to better ourselves as individuals, a team, and an organization.

  • Increase communication and feedback across the organization.

These open-ended responses can be compiled into data that can be used across your organization to best understand where your efforts should be devoted as you continue to navigate this time together.

Our team would love to help you customize the questions you are asking your employees to meet the ever-changing needs of your organization during this unprecedented time.

Reach out to us today to start the conversation!

What I’m thankful for: Technology & Family Time. As much as I miss seeing my family, colleagues, and clients in person, it is a blessing to be able to connect virtually. I am also thankful for the chance to spend extra time with my 3 year old and husband- they both keep me on my toes! 😊

Quote I like: “Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It’s the courage to continue that counts.”- Winston Churchill

My tip for productivity: Give yourself a little grace. It can be easy to get caught up in being “always on” while working remote. Set realistic priorities for yourself each day, take breaks, and communicate with your team when you need to disconnect to attend to the added responsibilities you may have at home during this time.

Jamie Mohrman